Tuesday 3 March 2015

Nirbhaya rape accused says- अगर विरोध न करती तो ज़िंदा होती ।

The bastards like u make such comments and every male is measured with the standard of yours.

By the way,
This man is so right. It's a girl's fault if she gets raped.

Come on! It was Nirbhaya's fault that she went out with her friend late at night? No "good girl" roams on the roads late at night and if she does, then she's not good. Wow! We Indians always talk logic, don't we?

Had she not "protested", she would have been alive. Till today, I used to think- had she not been raped, she would have been alive. Thanks for clarifying my doubts!

A girl should not enjoy in pubs and clubs or booze with her friends 'cause these are not the ettiqates of a "good" girl. Claps! Slaps, actually.

A girl should not go out at nights to avoid rapes. Can you please take the pains to explain the rapes that happen during days?

Girls are made to stay and work inside their houses. If she steps out, she's inviting men to rape her. As if rapes don't happen inside houses!

A girl invites rapists if she's wearing a western dress. "Innocent" boys fail to put a check on their nerves and get "aroused" after seeing a girl in "provoking" clothes. As one of our honorable ministers puts in- "Ladke hain, galti hojati hai". Now How about shooting  boys? The girls can say they get "provoked" and can't "control" when they see our (boy's) cheap faces and can say "Ladki hun, galti gayi"

Anyway, I've found a solution. Parents should KILL a girl as soon as she's born. This is the only way to stop this evil from our "respected" society.


As a hindi proverb says- "Na rahega baans, na bajegi bansuri".

P.S.: If you're wondering why sudden outburst. Here's the reason- http://www.deccanchronicle.com/150302/nation-current-affairs/article/girls-more-responsible-rape-boys-says-convict-2012-delhi

-- आशीष (जो लिखता है दिल से )